Panel: Patterns for Building Complex Apps in Forge
Jillian Patterson - The Adaptavist Group
Jeff Ryan - Appfire
Julian Wolf - Seibert Group
Karen Preddy White - Atlassian
Jeff Ryan - Appfire
Julian Wolf - Seibert Group
Karen Preddy White - Atlassian
In this panel fireside chat, you’ll hear our Partners' challenges, successes, and key learnings with building complex apps in Forge:
Appfire, who have built extensively in Forge, are at the finish line to release their popular server app, Jira Miscellaneous Custom Fields, on Forge. Jeff Ryan, Software Architect from Appfire
Adaptavist, another Forge pioneer, who recently released Scriptrunner Behaviours on Forge. Jill Patterson, Senior Product Manager, ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud from Adaptavist
Seibert Media, who were early adopters and released the first Forge app in the Marketplace — and many more since. Julian Wolf, Technical Coordinator at Seibert Media
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