
Below are important resources helping you stay connected as you prepare for this year's Open.

Each resource below provides documentation unique to your sponsorship package. Please download each piece of information at your earliest convenience. 

Please be sure to send any questions to

Resource Name

Sponsor Rules and Regulations
Atlassian Product Logos
Expo Floor Plan
Booth Guidelines
Sponsor Promotional Kit
Exhibitor Kit
Sponsor Welcome Recording
Sponsor Welcome Deck


Download the Open 2019 sponsor rules and regulations
Download the Atlassian product logos
Download the Open 2019 explo floor plan
Download the Open 2019 sponsor booth guidelines
Download the Open 2019 sponsor promotional kit
Download the Open 2019 exhibitor kit
Download the Open 2019 sponsor welcome recording
Download the Open 2019 sponsor welcome deck
For all Open 2019 sponsorship inquiries, contact