Speed is the New Currency – ​Agile Testing Quality and Accuracy are Indispensable
Date & Time
Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 12:40 PM - 1:05 PM
Digital disruption is omnipresent. Organizations are asked (more than ever before) to constantly reinvent their businesses at the speed of ideas and to keep their customers at their epicentre at the same time. Venerable companies have become comfortable "breaking down silos", changing cultural norms and driving efficiency at all costs to always be one step ahead of their competition. It is no any longer the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. Speed seems to be the only thing constant, the new currency, the silver bullet to stay competitive. ​Transformational words, such as DevOps, emerged out of this fear to be second-class, and have penetrated into our daily testing routines. The ability to adapt quickly,while delivering high quality​, has become imperative for all businesses,​ regardless of size This level of transformation requires testing to no longer be a bottleneck​; it requires continuous testing to ensure that the quality of the software that is being developed is measuredconstantly. In this talk, DJ FRANK outlines how to unfold continuous testing ​in the Agile world into reality.