Declaring Server App Components in Pure Java
Date & Time
Thursday, September 12, 2019, 10:00 AM - 10:40 AM
Today, server app developers declare their components using a mixture of technologies that includes atlassian-plugin.xml, Spring XML files, and Spring Scanner. This fragmented approach comes with its own learning curve and an array of pitfalls.

In this talk, Andrew Swan from Atlassian's Server Java Platform team will describe how server app developers can declare their Spring components in pure Java code. This approach is cleaner, more powerful, more flexible, easier to reason about, and more industry-standard. Attendees will also learn about a new Atlassian library that facilitates this approach by providing easy importing and exporting of OSGi services.

Attendees will come away being immediately able to start using Java-based configuration in their server apps. Links to documentation and working sample code will be provided.