
Less busywork, more building: Improve Productivity with AI Agents

Developers are increasingly utilizing Generative AI to accelerate their coding processes. However, writing code is only a small part of their daily workflow. Development teams often spend significant hours on tedious tasks such as migrations, feature flag cleanups, improving test coverage, and more. Join this session to discover how your teams can harness Atlassian's innovative custom AI agents to automate repetitive and mundane tasks throughout each phase of the software development lifecycle.

Witness these agents in action through real-world use cases from Atlassian's engineering teams, and learn how developers can collaborate, create and code smarter, so teams can focus on what matters: building great software.

Key takeaways
Discover how to automate repetitive and mundane tasks across each phase of the entire software development lifecycle with our new technical agents, and more
Gain insights from real-world use cases from Atlassian’s own engineering team that demonstrate the practical benefits of integrating AI into your team’s development workflow and accelerate productivity


Products & Solutions
Rovo, Atlassian Cloud Platform, Atlassian Intelligence
Intended Audience
Business Leader, Technical User, Power User
World-class software development
Learning Level
Introductory, Intermediate
Deployment Method
Company Size
Enterprise, SMB

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