Theater session
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 6:30 PM  - 6:45 PM

Analyze and visualize your data with eazyBI: journey from novice to expert

eazyBI is a powerful data analysis and visualization tool using data from Jira, Confluence, Marketplace apps, and other data sources. It's available on Cloud and Data Center and provides the same features on both platforms. You'll receive an overview of the latest eazyBI data analysis, visualization, and integration features. With eazyBI, simple things are easy, while complex things are possible. Users can start with simple drag-and-drop to build reports and explore different visualization options, then advance by learning to write calculation formulas or customize data imports. eazyBI focuses on self-service tools to help you grow from novice to expert. AI assistants have become an important aid in building reports, writing calculation formulas, and creating custom calculated fields. Explore the recently launched Learning Center for interactive lessons on eazyBI features and best practices.


Products & Solutions
Jira, Confluence, Integrations & Marketplace Apps
Intended Audience
Power User, Technical User
Cloud and Data Center transformations
Deployment Method
Cloud, Data Center
Company Size
Enterprise, SMB

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