Wednesday, April 6, 2022 PST
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 PST
Teamwork culture
Planning virtual retreats teams want to attend

Virtual retreats can be hard to pull off - but with creative thinking, they really can be engaging, fun, and productive. Learn how MURAL has stretched the limits of what is possible with digital platforms to connect remote team members with events ranging from "speed-dating" to a three-day retreat that stretched across global time zones.

Secondary Session Type
Teamwork Culture use case
Session audience team type (please select all that apply)
Business, IT, Software, All teams
Primary Atlassian product focus of the presentation
Solution focus
Business Transformation, Collaboration, Team Practices
Primary deployment method focus (please select all that apply)
Primarily Cloud
Session theme
Teamwork culture
Session Length

Planning virtual retreats teams want to attend

Virtual retreats can be hard to pull off - but with creative thinking, they really can be engaging, fun, and productive. Learn how MURAL has stretched the limits of what is possible with digital platforms to connect remote team members with events ranging from "speed-dating" to a three-day retreat that stretched across global time zones.

Planning virtual retreats teams want to attend sessions