Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM PDT
Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM PDT
in Theater A
in Theater A
The best gets better: 4 Confluence best practices and the apps that make them even better
Is your team looking to make the most of Confluence? Time for a quick power-up.
In this talk, we’ll unpack 4 Confluence best practices that every team should be using, along with 4 apps that can make them even better.
Secondary Session Type
Expo theater mini-session
Session audience team type (please select all that apply)
All teams
Primary deployment method focus (please select all that apply)
Session Length
The best gets better: 4 Confluence best practices and the apps that make them even better
Is your team looking to make the most of Confluence? Time for a quick power-up.
In this talk, we’ll unpack 4 Confluence best practices that every team should be using, along with 4 apps that can make them even better.
The best gets better: 4 Confluence best practices and the apps that make them even better sessions