Raj Sehmi
Customer Success
Raj Sehmi spearheads the Customer Success department at Refined. He spends his work hours striving to ensure that customers and solution partners maximise value out of using Refined, and that their voices are heard internally within the organisation.
Originally from Kenya, he’s been living in Sweden for a bit more than 7 years now, and has been with Refined for close to 6 of those. When he’s not working with Refined’s customers or creating educational resources about Refined, he spends his spare time making and playing electronic music, and trying out new recipes in his kitchen.
Originally from Kenya, he’s been living in Sweden for a bit more than 7 years now, and has been with Refined for close to 6 of those. When he’s not working with Refined’s customers or creating educational resources about Refined, he spends his spare time making and playing electronic music, and trying out new recipes in his kitchen.