Executive CAB Charter

Statement of Confidentiality

Discussion in the Customer Advisory Board constitute Atlassian’s confidential information under the Cloud Terms of Service, Software License Agreement or your other sales agreement with Atlassian. Please note that information provided by Atlassian may constitute feedback (or similar) under such agreement and may otherwise be used to facilitate the Customer Advisory Board or engage in related discussions or activities.

Executive Customer Advisory Board Overview

The Atlassian Executive Customer Advisory Board is an invite-only group of senior leaders representing various industries. Board members receive exclusive access to Atlassian executives to explore company objectives, competitive strategies, and business, cultural, and technology trends. The goals of the Board are to share experiences, co-create and advance technology, and provide incremental business value.

This Board is a working group that has no legal liability or responsibility. All members are under NDA and will not be asked to disclose confidential or proprietary information. While meetings are intended to share and capture members' insights and perspectives to help validate and differentiate Atlassian’s corporate strategy and portfolio of products and solutions, they also foster peer-to-peer dialogue, best practice sharing, and problem-solving.

To be a part of the Atlassian Executive Customer Advisory Board is to help achieve the mission of unleashing the potential of every team, together.

Board Objectives

The Executive Customer Advisory Board is an active membership, not an honorary group. In addition to providing reciprocal intellectual value and professional networking opportunities, this Board is intended to:

  • Provide insights that guide Atlassian’s business strategy, investments, and solutions to better understand and serve customers' unique needs.

  • Share perspectives on evolving industry trends, complex problems, and new areas of opportunities related to business and technology.

  • Enable open, candid, and objective two-way dialogue between members and Atlassian executives to gain clarity into Atlassian’s strategy and vision.

  • Strengthen the strategic partnership between top customers and Atlassian and a group of like-minded executive peers.

Board Membership

The opportunity to join the Executive Customer Advisory Board is by invitation only. New members are eligible to onboard when there is an open seat and will have a two-year tenure. Membership is comprised of a group of senior executives that represent various industries and verticals and have a current business relationship with Atlassian.

When joining the Executive Customer Advisory Board, members are expected to:

  • Commit to serving a two-year term to allow for consistent feedback.

    • During that time, members are asked not to make substitutions or assign a proxy to attend meeting. If their role should change at any point, they may not assign or re-designate their appointment to the Board.

  • Attend at least one of two in person meetings per year. These meetings are typically 1.5 days in length and occur once in the spring and once in the autumn.

    • If member is not able to maintain the suggested meeting attendance, their role on the board will be re-evaluated.

  • Invest time reviewing Atlassian’s organization, business strategies, and product and solution offerings to provide valuable feedback with the same level of candor as Atlassian.

  • Share your perspectives during each meeting and provide topical input for the development of future Executive Customer Advisory Board meeting agendas.

  • Be available for direct counsel and continuous dialogue with Atlassian executives by telephone, video conference, and email on an as-needed basis.

Board Member Benefits

The goal of the Executive Customer Advisory Board is for it to be a mutually beneficial program for Atlassian and its members. As a member of the Board, you have a unique opportunity to directly influence Atlassian’s strategic direction. In addition to advising Atlassian, members also benefit by:

  • Having a forum to collaborate and share knowledge, experiences, and best practices with a group of like-minded peers representing various industries.

  • Problem-solving challenges and applying knowledge gained back to your teams to increase the value that Atlassian can provide your collective organization.

  • Receiving direct access to Atlassian’s executive leadership team and to be privy to strategic updates and candid discussions.

Atlassian’s Commitment and Responsibilities

It’s proven that diverse teams perform better, and we believe we must think deeper than top-line representation. Atlassian is for a wide variety of customers, and thus, our Executive Customer Advisory Board must also reflect these perspectives to adequately address their needs with our solutions and practices. Your expertise comes not only from the demographic you represent, but also from your personal identities and lived experience.

In addition to ensuring an equitable and balanced Executive Customer Advisory Board, we commit to embodying our values through this program.

  • Open company, no bullshit: We will engage Executive CAB Members with complete candor, respect, and honesty.

  • Be the change you seek: We will accept Executive CAB Members' feedback in a constructive, respectful, and non-defensive manner.

  • Play, as a team: We will collaborate with Executive CAB Members by building meeting agendas with their input to ensure they’re valuable to all parties.

  • Don’t #@!% the customer: We will ensure that clear, open, and regular lines of communication exist between Executive CAB Members and Atlassian

  • Build with heart and balance: We will proactively communicate with Executive CAB members regarding any significant events that have an impact upon plans and strategies that have been developed based on their input.

We’re in This Together

At Atlassian, we wish to unleash the potential of every team. To do that successfully, your active engagement in this program is the key to success. We value your perspectives and insights on what you’re seeing across the industry, across your region, and across your customers and users. It takes all of us to achieve that mission, and we’re asking for your help.

We look forward to your participation.

Executive Customer Advisory Board Hosts & Contacts

Atlassian Hosts

Anu Bharadwaj, President


Atlassian Contacts

Amy Berusch, Customer Advisory Board Program Lead

Executive Customer Advisory Board Highlights

  • Atlassian’s portfolio consolidation efforts and the launch of the Atlassian System of Work underpinned by a common data model. This connected platform enables customers to focus on the outcomes of the work delivered instead of selecting individual tools for their teams to use.

  • Having a stronger voice in the market on async work, with publications on “The State of Teams” and the acquisition of Loom to enable work seamlessly and continuously across geographically dispersed teams.
