Success! Your individual prepaid pass has been applied. Note: If you have purchased a Team pass and also plan to attend the event, you do not need to re-register using the link.
Already registered? Click here to log in, view, or modify your existing registration.
Personal use email addresses (such as or domains) are not valid to register for in-person tickets. Click here to register for free access to online content.
Atlassian employees are eligible to register for the digital pass exclusively. Notifications regarding in-person attendance for staff will be communicated shortly.
Want to edit your selected pass? Go back and change selection.
Sponsor code required to proceed. Have questions? Email
Atlassian events should be non-selling environments focused on learning and enablement. Attendee types are subject to availability and can be updated.
Thank you for your amazing support for Team ’25! This event is officially sold out for partners. Please reach out to with any questions.
Please Note: Partners have special pricing and are not allowed to use the Team Pass Bundle. Your selection has been removed and you must select your in-person pass above as "Individual pass"