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Live Broadcast Schedule
Tune in to the Team '22 live broadcasts with host Dom Price, Atlassian Work Futurist. Be sure to add to your calendar or bookmark sessions you don't want to miss.
Featuring our digital host Dom Price, Work Futurist at Atlassian
Keynotes from Day 1: April 6
Opening Keynote: Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Anu Bharadwaj, President, Atlassian
Join Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Scott Farquhar, joined by Chief Operating Officer, Anu Bharadwaj, as they discuss why enabling effective teamwork has become the critical enterprise need of our time. This talk covers how the Atlassian platform helps customers navigate both digital and cultural transformations by unifying work across organizations while transcending physical locations, organizational functions, and traditional processes. Although most companies recognize the need for digital transformation - we find that there's one thing that is often overlooked. And that is, how to create the right culture for high-performing teams to thrive and be successful. What we've known to be true is that, "culture eats strategy for breakfast."
8:55am PDT - Dom Price Welcome & Opening
9:00am PDT - Opening Keynote
8:55 AM
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Work differently, together: A new vision for Work Management
Erika Trautman, Head of Product Management, Work Management For All, Atlassian
The way modern teams work has completely changed. Join this session to discover how Atlassian Open Work Management provides teams with the best tools, practices, and templates that keep company-wide teamwork flowing. We'll discuss how to drive cultural transformation to ensure your company can operate startup speed with the impact of an enterprise.
9:30am PDT - Work Management Keynote
10:00am PDT - Dom Price Post-Keynote & Team Awards Highlights
10:06am PDT - Dom Price Q&A with Meghna Singh & Stephanie Grice
9:30 AM
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Atlassian ITSM: Come together right now
Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Atlassian
Sherif Mansour, Distinguished Product Manager, Atlassian
Service management teams operate much like legendary bands - individual rock stars coming together to create incredible experiences. But new ways of working are stressing the seams of traditional ITSM. Learn how Atlassian powers modern development, operations, and business teams by offering the best of both worlds: autonomy with coordination.
11:00am PDT - ITSM Keynote
11:30am PDT - Dom Price Post-Keynote & Team Awards Highlights #2
11:38am PDT - Dom Price Q&A with Pushpkant Garg
11:00 AM
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Should you be in an open [software] relationship?
Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Atlassian
Tiffany To, Head of Product Management, Atlassian
A diverse toolchain or a consolidated, all-in-one approach? Discover how Atlassian's open toolchain solution offers the best of both worlds: flexibility and coordination. We'll show how this new approach empowers software teams to adapt to change faster while measuring value streams by completing the software development life cycle of Discovery → Delivery → Operations.
2:00pm PDT - DevOps & Agile Keynote
2:50pm PDT - Dom Price Q&A with Gal Fatal & Jose Luis Gaitan
2:00 PM
Wednesday, April 6, 2022