Live Broadcast Schedule

Tune in to the Team '22 live broadcasts with host Dom Price, Atlassian Work Futurist. Be sure to add to your calendar or bookmark sessions you don't want to miss.

Featuring our digital host Dom Price, Work Futurist at Atlassian

Keynotes from Day 1: April 6

Opening Keynote: Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Atlassian
Anu Bharadwaj, President, Atlassian

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Work differently, together: A new vision for Work Management

Joff Redfern, Chief Product Officer, Atlassian
Erika Trautman, Head of Product Management, Work Management For All, Atlassian

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Atlassian ITSM: Come together right now

Amita Abraham, Head of Product Marketing, Atlassian
Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Atlassian
Sherif Mansour, Distinguished Product Manager, Atlassian

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Should you be in an open [software] relationship?

Justine Davis, VP Marketing, Atlassian
Scott Farquhar, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Atlassian
Tiffany To, Head of Product Management, Atlassian

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Dom Price Q&A with Erica Larson & Stephanie Grice

Dom Price Q&A with Girish Shenoy and Gal Fatal