Your gift for attending pays it forward for education in underrepresented and overlooked communities

Attendees will have the ability to donate money to a non-profit as their gift for attending the conference. We are giving each attendee the choice of where their donation will go between the following organizations:






Digital NEST   (Watsonville, CA)


Click here to learn more!


Digital NEST connects teens and young adults from overlooked agricultural communities to skills, resources, and a supportive community that unlocks their full potential, builds their confidence, and creates new possibilities for their futures.


Missing School (Australia)


Click here to learn more!


MissingSchool places telepresence robots in willing schools to demonstrate that continuous two-way connection is possible between seriously sick children and their classrooms when they are absent.



Malala Fund (International)


Click here to learn more!




Founded by student and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, Malala Fund champions every girl’s right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education.


Today's forecast: High chance of cloud security

Engage in novel lightning talks from security experts in cloud security topics and receive personal insights from leaders in the field in a one day online event.


10:00 AM -
10:05 AM AEDT
Introductory remarks
Sri Viswanath, Chief Technology Officer, Atlassian
10:05 AM -
10:10 AM AEDT
Opening statement
Alisha Mithal, Ecosystem Security Engineer, Atlassian
10:10 AM -
10:30 AM AEDT
Adrian Ludwig, Chief Trust Officer, Atlassian
10:30 AM -
10:55 AM AEDT
Demystifying myths around Cloud Security - Questions to ask before migrating!
Jodie Vlassis, Senior Cyber Security SME, Atlassian
10:55 AM -
11:00 AM AEDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
11:00 AM -
11:25 AM AEDT
Atlassian's Cloud Platform Security Principles
Florian Ruechel, Senior Product Security Engineer, Atlassian
11:25 AM -
11:35 AM AEDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
11:35 AM -
12:20 PM AEDT
Alice White, Technical Program Manager - Security & Trust, Atlassian
Shamane Tan, Chief Growth Officer, Privasec
Julia Knecht, Application Security Manager, Netflix
Michelle Price, Chief Executive Officer, AustCyber
Ben Walther, Principal Security Architect, Atlassian
12:20 PM -
12:25 PM AEDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
12:25 PM -
12:50 PM AEDT
Breaking the Chain - Supply Chain Cyber Attacks
Riya Shah, Product Security Engineer, Atlassian
12:50 PM -
1:00 PM AEDT
Closing remarks
Prerana Shenoy, Product Security Engineer, Atlassian
4:00 PM -
4:05 PM PDT
Introductory remarks
Sri Viswanath, Chief Technology Officer, Atlassian
4:05 PM -
4:10 PM PDT
Opening statement
Alisha Mithal, Ecosystem Security Engineer, Atlassian
4:10 PM -
4:30 PM PDT
Adrian Ludwig, Chief Trust Officer, Atlassian
4:30 PM -
4:55 PM PDT
Demystifying myths around Cloud Security - Questions to ask before migrating!
Jodie Vlassis, Senior Cyber Security SME, Atlassian
4:55 PM -
5:00 PM PDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
5:00 PM -
5:25 PM PDT
Atlassian's Cloud Platform Security Principles
Florian Ruechel, Senior Product Security Engineer, Atlassian
5:25 PM -
5:35 PM PDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
5:35 PM -
6:20 PM PDT
Alice White, Technical Program Manager - Security & Trust, Atlassian
Shamane Tan, Chief Growth Officer, Privasec
Julia Knecht, Application Security Manager, Netflix
Michelle Price, Chief Executive Officer, AustCyber
Ben Walther, Principal Security Architect, Atlassian
6:20 PM -
6:25 PM PDT
Lee Berg, Product Manager, Atlassian
6:25 PM -
6:50 PM PDT
Breaking the Chain - Supply Chain Cyber Attacks
Riya Shah, Product Security Engineer, Atlassian
6:50 PM -
7:00 PM PDT
Closing remarks
Prerana Shenoy, Product Security Engineer, Atlassian

Capture the flag!

We are running an official Capture the Flag tournament for this year’s Team Sec Con 2021. Capture The Flags, or CTFs, are a kind of computer security competition where you will have multiple challenges exploring different types of exploits!

The CTF will be open for 24 hours starting at the beginning of the conference, and all CTF participants will be entered in a raffle for a bunch of awesome prizes! No matter which part of the world you are in, you will get an opportunity to participate and win.

We will have people monitoring a slack channel at all times to help answer any questions, so even if you have never done a CTF before, you will have access to some guidance and hints.

Who should attend?

The event is suited to all levels, from those who are “cloud security curious” and are exploring the field, to those who have years of experience and are looking to explore and discuss novel perspectives.

This includes:

  • Anyone who is exploring security as a career and wants some insight into what cloud security is and would like to be mentored by someone in the security community.

  • Anyone who is new to the security industry and would like to network and learn about cloud security solutions that are used in leading security organizations.

  • Anyone who is established to the security industry and would like to network with and learn from other folks in the security industry and their unique cloud security solutions.

Register now!

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